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A Home Is Not a Building

A Home Is Not a Building

What does it means to belong? Three recent exhibitions in Toronto tackle an increasingly pertinent question.

Rosalyn Drexler: Who Does She Think She Is?

Rosalyn Drexler: Who Does She Think She Is?

Rosalyn Drexler, the proto-feminist painter, sculptor, playwright, novelist and former lady wrester, is criminally unknown. A new show aims to change this.

Miami Report: A Crack in the Facade

Miami Report: A Crack in the Facade

Each year, the international art set take over Miami for one week. But only some of the artworks they bring shed light on what's going on in the world.

Ydessa Hendeles: Dystopia, Trump and Twitter

Ydessa Hendeles: Dystopia, Trump and Twitter

In Toronto, Ydessa Hendeles uses pigs as a motif to explore the dehumanization and dystopia that seem to be gaining ground under Trump.

The Aesthetics of Senselessness

The Aesthetics of Senselessness

After the US election, what does contemporary art look like? A contemplation at La Biennale de Montreal, the day of Trump’s victory.

A Different Way for Teenage Girls to Go Wild

A Different Way for Teenage Girls to Go Wild

When I found out my baby was going to be female, I was terrified. But an artwork made with teenage girls reminded me how stereotypes fuel this fear.

On Inventing Women Artists in a Post-Truth Era

On Inventing Women Artists in a Post-Truth Era

I want Sophie La Rosière to be real. Her biography and art seem real enough. And inventing a woman artist could, in some lights, constitute a feminist act.

9 Highlights from the First iNuit Blanche

9 Highlights from the First iNuit Blanche

iNuit Blanche—the first all-circumpolar, all-night art festival—achieved playful accessibility without shying away from the realities of many Inuit artists.

Emily Carr and Wolfgang Paalen: I Had an Interesting French Artist to See Me This Summer

Emily Carr and Wolfgang Paalen: I Had an Interesting French Artist to See Me This Summer

Emily Carr is linked to the work of a young European Surrealist in a thoughtfully conceived and elegantly executed exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Rebecca Belmore at Toronto’s Nuit Blanche: From the Audience

Rebecca Belmore at Toronto’s Nuit Blanche: From the Audience

Do events like Nuit Blanche encourage art audiences to disassociate from the art? And what if this occurs in response to a politically sensitive work?