Specially crafted cocktails, a gourmet dinner and Canada’s most exciting live and silent auction of contemporary art, all in support of Canadian Art. Join us for our largest fundraiser of the year—it’s a party you don’t want to miss!
Thursday, September 26, 2019
6 p.m.–10 p.m.
Evergreen Brick Works
550 Bayview Avenue, Toronto
6 p.m. Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction
7 p.m. Dinner
9 p.m. Live Auction conducted by Stephen Ranger of Waddington’s
$10,000–SOLD OUT
Includes 10 tickets
Individual Ticket
$1,000–SOLD OUT
Under-35 Ticket
Interested in under-35 tickets? Sign up for the waitlist and we’ll notify you if additional tickets become available
For questions, contact Uma at (416) 368-8854 ext. 102. Tax receipts for the maximum allowable amount will be issued as per Canada Revenue Agency guidelines.
Official Airline of Social 2019
Social Committee
Amanda Alvaro (Co-chair), Debra Campbell (Co-chair), Gabe Gonda, Devin Connell, Amy Burstyn Fritz, Shanitha Kachan, Tanner Kidd, Grace Kim, Gallant Law, Deanne Moser, Anjli Patel, Daryn Sutherland, Grace Tevlin
Art Advisory Committee
Claire Christie (Co-Chair), Juliana Zalucky (Co-Chair), Wil Aballe, Nick Brown, Aryen Hoekstra, Luis Jacob, Stuart Keeler, Jayne Wilkinson
Auction Items

Shuvinai Ashoona, Bones: Collibarating with 1800 Hundred Housings, 2018
Coloured pencil and ink on paper 23 x 30 in.
Courtesy Feheley Fine Arts
Estimate: $3,000

Nicolas Baier, Sans titre (Cénoté), 2015
Ink-jet print and lightbox 36 x 48 in.
Edition 2 of 5
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Division
Estimate: $11,500

Nadia Belerique, Buoys 3, 2016
Ink-jet photograph mounted to Dibond and Plexiglas 25.5 x 17 in.
Edition 1 of 2
Courtesy the artist/Daniel Faria Gallery
Estimate: $2,800

Alex Bierk, Blinds, 2019
Oil on linen over panel 14 x 10.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/General Hardware Contemporary
Estimate: $4,200

Adam David Brown, The More Things Change..., 2019
Carved gypsum, 40 x 32 in.
Courtesy the artist/MKG127
Estimate: $6,500

Michelle Bui, Plastic Altar, 2019
Pigmented ink-jet print on paper, 57 x 38 in.
Edition 2 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Parisian Laundry
Estimate: $3,300

Jennifer Carvalho, A Tingling at the Edges, 2019
Oil on canvas, 28 x 22 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,600

Lynne Cohen, Corporate Office, 1976
Gelatin silver print, 20 x 24 in.
Edition 19 of 20
Courtesy the Estate of Lynne Cohen/Olga Korper Gallery
Estimate: $10,800

Brenda Draney, Orderly (Study), 2019
Oil on Arches 356 GSM paper, 24 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $5,250

Azadeh Elmizadeh, The Garden, 2019
Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $1,650

Sameer Farooq, 24 Affections (SF-004s), 2019
Monoprint, 22 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $2,800

Sky Glabush, Afterimage, 2019
Oil and sand on canvas, 30 x 24 in.
Courtesy the artist/Clint Roenisch
Estimate: $3,750

Stephanie Hier, An Assault on Good Taste, 2018
Oil on canvas with glazed stoneware frame, 13 x 9.5 x 2 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $4,000

Maria Hupfield, A Stolen Skin is a Camouflage, 2017-18
Industrial felt on chromogenic print, 40 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Hugues Charbonneau
Estimate: $6,000

Laurie Kang, Sac, 2018
Photogram, 24 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist/Franz Kaka
Estimate: $1,900

Kristiina Lahde, Ellipse Study 2, 2018
Discarded file cards, 20 x 22 in.
Courtesy the artist/MKG127
Estimate: $3,800

Ness Lee, you knew, you still, you kept, 2019
Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Patel Gallery
Estimate: $2,400

Lyse Lemieux, Bras? Çe Lait, 2019
Acrylic and industrial felt on paper, 40 x 26 in.
Courtesy the artist/Wil Aballe Art Projects
Estimate: $4,200

Luce Meunier, Sans-titre #2, 2015
Acrylic on linen and cotton canvas, 45 x 36 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran
Estimate: $5,000

Darby Milbrath, Autumn Day, 2019
Oil on canvas, 21 x 25 in.
Courtesy the artist/Projet Pangée
Estimate: $2,650

Caroline Monnet, Lot #I - Front de la Rivière Désert, 2018
Pyrography, 24 x 36 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Division
Estimate: $4,400

John Monteith, Habitat, 2017
Pencil on drafting film, 24 x 18 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,800

Ken Nicol, this is your life... (32), 2015
Typewriter ink on paper, 31.5 x 21.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/Olga Korper Gallery
Estimate: $3,200

Celia Perrin Sidarous, Eucalyptus, 2018
Ink-jet print on matte paper, 30 x 37 in.
Edition 2 of 5
Courtesy the artist/Parisian Laundry
Estimate: $2,800

Jaan Poldaas, Untitled Study for TCP (Twelve Colour Pair), 1996
Enamel on paper mounted to art board, 15 x 20 in. each
Courtesy the Estate of Jaan Poldaas/Birch Contemporary
Estimate: $6,000 for pair

Tazeen Qayyum, Kalam (word/speech), 2019
Archival pigment ink on paper, 27.5 x 19.5 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $5,000

Jade Rude, I Fell, 2019
Matte C-print mounted to Sintra board, 30 x 20 in.
Edition 1 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Christie Contemporary
Estimate: $2,800

Nicolas Sassoon, Home Study #1, 2012
Digital drawing, dye sublimation on aluminum panel, 18 x 12 x 0.125 in.
Edition 2 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Wil Aballe Art Projects
Estimate: $2,400

Nep Sidhu, Nirankar Object in the sound of Ek, 2019
Chromed steel, 27.4 x 27.5 x 12 in.
Courtesy the artist/Patel Gallery
Estimate: $15,000

Dana Slijboom, All the Fallen Tulips in Blue, 2018
Oil and latex on canvas, 22 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $1,850

Beth Stuart, The Swimsuit Edition (F.S.), 2015
Woodcut on Kozuke paper, 54 x 27 in.
Edition 3 of 8
Courtesy the artist/Susan Hobbs Gallery
Estimate: $2,800

Corri-Lynn Tetz, Desert Suite (Wander), 2017
Oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Lisa Kehler Art + Projects
Estimate: $3,750

Joani Tremblay, From the Garden to the Wild, 2018
Oil on Belgian linen, 36 x 32 in.
Courtesy the artist/Zalucky Contemporary
Estimate: $4,600

Haley Uyeda, Double Negative, 2018
Acrylic, gel medium and matte medium on canvas, 26 x 20 x 1.5 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,000

Jim Verburg, Untitled (other than what is known #12, from the series A Certain Silence), 2018
2 layers, oil-based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, 60.5 x 35.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/Zalucky Contemporary
Estimate: $6,000

Charlene Vickers, Performance Mocs, 2018
Cardboard, glass beads, fabric, thread, 5 x 4 x 11 in. each
Courtesy the artist/Macaulay & Co. Fine Art
Estimate: $3,500 for pair

Chih-Chien Wang, Grapefruit and Arm, 2005
Ink-jet digital print, 40 x 32 in.
Edition 3 of 7
Courtesy the artist/Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain
Estimate: $4,200

Janet Werner, Collage Face, 2014
Oil on canvas, 26 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist/Birch Contemporary
Estimate: $7,750
Coloured pencil and ink on paper 23 x 30 in.
Courtesy Feheley Fine Arts
Estimate: $3,000
Ink-jet print and lightbox 36 x 48 in.
Edition 2 of 5
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Division
Estimate: $11,500
Ink-jet photograph mounted to Dibond and Plexiglas 25.5 x 17 in.
Edition 1 of 2
Courtesy the artist/Daniel Faria Gallery
Estimate: $2,800
Oil on linen over panel 14 x 10.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/General Hardware Contemporary
Estimate: $4,200
Carved gypsum, 40 x 32 in.
Courtesy the artist/MKG127
Estimate: $6,500
Pigmented ink-jet print on paper, 57 x 38 in.
Edition 2 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Parisian Laundry
Estimate: $3,300
Oil on canvas, 28 x 22 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,600
Gelatin silver print, 20 x 24 in.
Edition 19 of 20
Courtesy the Estate of Lynne Cohen/Olga Korper Gallery
Estimate: $10,800
Oil on Arches 356 GSM paper, 24 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $5,250
Oil on canvas, 24 x 24 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $1,650
Monoprint, 22 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $2,800
Oil and sand on canvas, 30 x 24 in.
Courtesy the artist/Clint Roenisch
Estimate: $3,750
Oil on canvas with glazed stoneware frame, 13 x 9.5 x 2 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $4,000
Industrial felt on chromogenic print, 40 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Hugues Charbonneau
Estimate: $6,000
Photogram, 24 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist/Franz Kaka
Estimate: $1,900
Discarded file cards, 20 x 22 in.
Courtesy the artist/MKG127
Estimate: $3,800
Acrylic on canvas, 24 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Patel Gallery
Estimate: $2,400
Acrylic and industrial felt on paper, 40 x 26 in.
Courtesy the artist/Wil Aballe Art Projects
Estimate: $4,200
Acrylic on linen and cotton canvas, 45 x 36 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran
Estimate: $5,000
Oil on canvas, 21 x 25 in.
Courtesy the artist/Projet Pangée
Estimate: $2,650
Pyrography, 24 x 36 in.
Courtesy the artist/Galerie Division
Estimate: $4,400
Pencil on drafting film, 24 x 18 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,800
Typewriter ink on paper, 31.5 x 21.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/Olga Korper Gallery
Estimate: $3,200
Ink-jet print on matte paper, 30 x 37 in.
Edition 2 of 5
Courtesy the artist/Parisian Laundry Estimate: $2,800
Enamel on paper mounted to art board, 15 x 20 in. each
Courtesy the Estate of Jaan Poldaas/Birch Contemporary
Estimate: $6,000 for pair
Archival pigment ink on paper, 27.5 x 19.5 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $5,000
Matte C-print mounted to Sintra board, 30 x 20 in.
Edition 1 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Christie Contemporary Estimate: $2,800
Digital drawing, dye sublimation on aluminum panel, 18 x 12 x 0.125 in.
Edition 2 of 3
Courtesy the artist/Wil Aballe Art Projects
Estimate: $2,400
Chromed steel, 27.4 x 27.5 x 12 in.
Courtesy the artist/Patel Gallery
Estimate: $15,000
Oil and latex on canvas, 22 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $1,850
Woodcut on Kozuke paper, 54 x 27 in.
Edition 3 of 8
Courtesy the artist/Susan Hobbs Gallery
Estimate: $2,800
Oil on canvas, 30 x 30 in.
Courtesy the artist/Lisa Kehler Art + Projects
Estimate: $3,750
Oil on Belgian linen, 36 x 32 in.
Courtesy the artist/Zalucky Contemporary
Estimate: $4,600
Acrylic, gel medium and matte medium on canvas, 26 x 20 x 1.5 in.
Courtesy the artist
Estimate: $3,000
2 layers, oil-based paint, graphite and charcoal on tarlatan, 60.5 x 35.5 in.
Courtesy the artist/Zalucky Contemporary
Estimate: $6,000
Cardboard, glass beads, fabric, thread, 5 x 4 x 11 in. each
Courtesy the artist/Macaulay & Co. Fine Art
Estimate: $3,500 for pair
Ink-jet digital print, 40 x 32 in.
Edition 3 of 7
Courtesy the artist/Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain
Estimate: $4,200
Oil on canvas, 26 x 20 in.
Courtesy the artist/Birch Contemporary
Estimate: $7,750