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Dream of a Common Language

Dream of a Common Language

"The assumption that the international art world has a centre is being fast eroded," wrote Sarah Milroy in our summer 2000 issue. In an era of increasing isolationism, Milroy's piece and the issues it raises remain relevant—and unresolved

Look What’s Possible

Look What’s Possible

The mixtape-style documentary SHAKEDOWN unearths two years’ worth of grimy, early-2000s footage of a Black lesbian strip-show and party series in LA

Robert Murray

Robert Murray

Studio 21 Fine Art, Halifax, July 7–August 31, 2018

Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti 

Gauguin: Voyage to Tahiti 

Édouard Deluc’s film meanders around Gauguin as though he is a demigod: his art a religion and he, its prophet

The Dirty Work of Repatriation

The Dirty Work of Repatriation

In her new Quebec exhibition, Kapwani Kiwanga asks viewers to return soil from where it was taken—a “gesture of reparation,” the curator calls it. But what is the work really doing?

Lori Blondeau

Lori Blondeau

College Art Galleries, Saskatoon, June 11–August 31, 2018

Yvette Granata

Yvette Granata

Squeaky Wheel Film & Media Art Center (Buffalo), June 15–August 25, 2018

Li Salay

Li Salay

Art Gallery of Alberta, May 25–September 9, 2018

We Aren’t a “We”

We Aren’t a “We”

The diasporic arts collective RAGGA NYC ventures north of the border for a new exhibition

Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

Vancouver Art Gallery, June 9—September 30, 2018