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Jack Chambers: Silver and Gold

Jack Chambers: Silver and Gold

Though best known to many as a painter, the late Jack Chambers also created some important, influential art for the silver screen. As David Balzer reports, a show of Chambers’ overlooked work in both genres, currently on in London, is pure gold.

Robin Peck: Stacking the Decks

Robin Peck: Stacking the Decks

In his recent Toronto exhibition, New Brunswick artist Robin Peck piled austere shapes and ancient architectural references into works that were surprisingly light. Gary Michael Dault reviews, finding the elemental in Peck’s contemporary practice.

The Last Frontier: Natural Histories

The Last Frontier: Natural Histories

Our co-existence with nature can be by turns fragile, tense, sublime and fascinating. Adam O’Reilly ponders these tendencies as he reviews “The Last Frontier,” a Halifax group show that examines relationships between culture, nature and built environments.

Stephen Mueller: Thinking Inside the Box

Stephen Mueller: Thinking Inside the Box

For a recent Calgary exhibition, Windsor artist Stephen Mueller toiled in a small glass box of his own design for six hours a day, five days a week. Christopher Willard reflects on the piece, finding big psychological impacts in Mueller’s tiny, contained gestures.

Marc Audette: An Education

Marc Audette: An Education

Many associate art school with the sober institutionalization of creativity. But in his current show, Toronto professor Marc Audette transforms the classroom into a rich (if occasionally dark) territory for inquiry. Mary Reid reviews.

It Is What It Is: Or Is It?

It Is What It Is: Or Is It?

Reid Shier, Director/Curator of Presentation House Gallery in Vancouver, reviews the National Gallery of Canada’s “It Is What It Is,” asking whether the show satisfies its two-pronged promise—to act as a recent-acquisitions show and as a revitalized Canadian biennial.

David Spriggs

David Spriggs

Galerie de l'UQAM, Montreal

Frank Shebageget

Frank Shebageget

Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa

Blue Republic

Blue Republic

Georgia Scherman Projects, Toronto

Gerald Beaulieu

Gerald Beaulieu

Confederation Centre Art Gallery, Charlottetown