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Pascal Grandmaison: Star Power

Pascal Grandmaison: Star Power

With solo exhibitions this winter at Galerie René Blouin and Casino Luxembourg, it’s already been a big year for Montreal artist Pascal Grandmaison. Now managing editor Bryne McLaughlin reviews Grandmaison’s current show in Toronto.

German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse

German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse

The Museum of Modern Art’s major new exhibition on German expressionism holds a treat for those piqued by Montreal’s terrific Otto Dix show of last fall. Assistant editor David Balzer reviews, finding many connections to today’s art along the way.

David Altmejd: Modern Myths

David Altmejd: Modern Myths

Ancient tales of transformation meet contemporary building materials to dazzling effect in David Altmejd’s current New York show. Assistant editor David Balzer reviews, finding millennia-old fables melded with unexpected, uniquely 2011 twists.

Greg Curnoe: Clear Cutting

Greg Curnoe: Clear Cutting

It could be argued that the deepest recognition of a major artist isn’t found in a big retrospective, but in later, smaller thematic studies. Critic E.C. Woodley furthers the debate while reviewing a London show of Greg Curnoe’s shaped collages.

A Brush With War: The Art of Conflict

A Brush With War: The Art of Conflict

With international headlines rife with devastation and conflict, it's easy to forget the relationship some countries foster between artists and armies. Dick Averns reviews the Canadian War Museum's current showcase of the Canadian Forces Artists Program, noting the changing landscapes, both creative and combative, of war.

Breaking and Entering: Haunted Houses

Breaking and Entering: Haunted Houses

Dwellings both real and fictional were cut up, shattered and haunted in "Breaking and Entering," curator Susan Edelstein's recent group show on the mythic motifs of house and home. Beth McEachen reviews, considering works by Heather Benning, David Hoffos and others.

Geoffrey Farmer: Playing Stateside

Geoffrey Farmer: Playing Stateside

Vancouver artist Geoffrey Farmer has achieved international success in recent years, but had yet to show in the US until now. Gabrielle Moser reviews, finding intriguing evidence of the artist's ongoing engagement with the mythical properties of everyday objects.

Jamelie Hassan

Jamelie Hassan

Vancouver, Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery

Chris Kline

Chris Kline

Montreal, Galerie René Blouin

Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby

Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby

Toronto, Jessica Bradley Art + Projects