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Kerry James Marshall

Kerry James Marshall

Vancouver, Vancouver Art Gallery

Dave Dyment

Dave Dyment

Toronto, MKG127

Marie Lannoo

Marie Lannoo

Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon

Andrew Owen

Andrew Owen

Marion Scott Gallery, Vancouver

Emanuel Licha

Emanuel Licha

SBC Gallery of Contemporary Art, Montreal

Shaun Gladwell: Of Mad Max and Mounties

Shaun Gladwell: Of Mad Max and Mounties

Australian artist (and Venice Biennale alum) Shaun Gladwell is currently having his first Canadian solo show in Toronto. Vanessa Nicholas reviews, noting Gladwell’s fascination with breakdancing, movies, video games, skateboarding and other alternative art forms.

Bodies in Trouble & Time3: Performing the Capital

Bodies in Trouble & Time3: Performing the Capital

In Ottawa, it’s usually political performance that’s the focus of the day. But as Sky Goodden writes of her recent trip to the capital, the city’s artist-run centres have also been hosting some excellent events on performance art and its documentation.

Melanie Gilligan: Credit Reports

Melanie Gilligan: Credit Reports

Recently, Banff hosted the North American premiere of a film by Toronto-born, UK-based artist Melanie Gilligan. As Johan Lundh reports, Gilligan’s views of the financial crisis (supported by Artangel and other key institutions) are ironically rich and robust.

Teri Donovan: Disappearing Her Subjects

Teri Donovan: Disappearing Her Subjects

Teri Donovan’s recent Hamilton show featured many haunting subjects—shadowless women at ghostly socials, young girls suspended in horizonless grounds and more. Sky Goodden reviews, finding a compelling mix of energy and ennui.

Holger Kalberg: Back to Basics

Holger Kalberg: Back to Basics

In his recent Toronto exhibition, Vancouver artist Holger Kalberg presented hybrid works of painting and collage. As Vanessa Nicholas observes, Kalberg’s bold works paid homage to both mediums’ roots while offering a fresh, contemporary feel.