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The 5 Most Canadian Moments in Episode 3 of CBC’s <em>Crash Gallery</em>

The 5 Most Canadian Moments in Episode 3 of CBC’s Crash Gallery

Canadiana was in the air this week with the federal election, Drake’s new video and CBC’s Crash Gallery. We recap the recent episode (complete with GIFs).

Crash Gallery Episode 2: In Which We Invite Our Own Guest Judge

Crash Gallery Episode 2: In Which We Invite Our Own Guest Judge

CBC's art-themed reality show graced our screens over the holiday weekend with new challenges, but no guest judge. We set things right and invited our own.

CBC’s Crash Gallery: We Watched It and It’s Weird

CBC’s Crash Gallery: We Watched It and It’s Weird

CBC premiered its new reality-tv show Crash Gallery this weekend. A few of our editors discuss the show’s strange format and deeply Canadian feel.

“Residue” Crowds the Vancouver Art Gallery

“Residue” Crowds the Vancouver Art Gallery

At the Vancouver Art Gallery, the strength of the work in “Residue: The Persistence of the Real” was often lost in the shuffle. Lee Plested reviews.

The Context of Content: Notes on the 14th Istanbul Biennial

The Context of Content: Notes on the 14th Istanbul Biennial

The Istanbul Biennial comes at a time of unrest in Turkey. Merve Unsal reviews, finding an event of myth and spectacle, sitting on "ever-sliding ground."

Collective Groan: Three Summer Shows at the Power Plant

Collective Groan: Three Summer Shows at the Power Plant

Three summer exhibitions at Toronto's Power Plant by artist collectives simulate conditions of radical artmaking, but ultimately reveal hollow cores.

Play on Words: “Stopping the Sun in its Course” Review

Play on Words: “Stopping the Sun in its Course” Review

“Stopping the Sun in its Course" brings together Canadian artists in Los Angeles, continuing the West Coast interest in wordplay. Gabrielle Moser reviews.

Josh Thorpe’s “Bees” Infiltrate the Napoleonic Museum

Josh Thorpe’s “Bees” Infiltrate the Napoleonic Museum

At the Napoleonic Museum in Rome, Josh Thorpe's sound works, text installations and screenprints bring a touch of nature into the site's historic rooms.

The Vice Grip on Photojournalism

The Vice Grip on Photojournalism

Vice Media and the Magnum Foundation's "The New Photojournalism" included powerful work, but the busy installation left some pieces lost in the shuffle.

The Power Plant’s White-Cube Subversion Falls Short

The Power Plant’s White-Cube Subversion Falls Short

Nadia Belerique, Lili Huston-Herterich and Laurie Kang's installation at the Power Plant has a playful air, but fails to fully alter art-space hierarchies.