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Reviews / July 28, 2011

Robert Houle: Honouring Ojibwa History

Robert Houle Paris/Ojibwa 2010 Installation view / photo Michael Cullen and Lesli Michaelis Onusko, Trent Photographics

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson is a renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar, writer and artist. Working for over a decade as an independent scholar using Nishnaabeg intellectual practices, Leanne has lectured and taught extensively at universities across Canada and has twenty years experience with Indigenous land-based education. Her latest book, As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance, was published by the University of Minnesota Press in the fall of 2017, and was awarded Best Subsequent Book by the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association.