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Videos / May 14, 2019

In the Studio with KC Adams

“I've always jumped from medium to medium,” says this influential Indigenous artist. She adds: “There was a lot of things that we had to do for survival. I’m just merely following the footsteps of the ancestors”

KC Adams is an Indigenous artist’s artist. With deep roots in Winnipeg and throughout Manitoba, she has, for decades, been activating Indigenous communities in the arts and beyond.

Adams’s ongoing photograph series Cyborg Hybrids was a viral sensation before memes. But at the core, her work engages Indigenous and settler communities in complex conversations about how colonialism and race affect our relations. Perception, another buzz-worthy photo series from Adams first seen in bus shelters, on billboards and in public spaces across Winnipeg, is being published in book form by Portage & Main Press this spring.

In this video, shot on location at the La Maison des artistes visuels francophones in Winnipeg, Adams reflects on her journey as an artist, and her new work with clay pottery.

Lindsay Nixon

Lindsay Nixon is a Cree-Métis-Saulteaux curator, an award-winning editor and writer, and a McGill art history Ph.D. student. They currently hold the position of editor-at-large for Canadian Art.