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Features / September 1, 1985

Personal Bests: Critics, Curators & Collectors Speak

Who will survive the turbulent 80s with reputations intact?

Whose works given unlimited funds would one purchase for pleasure and profit?

What would be hauled to safety first if flames threatened to engulf a collection?

What underrated and relatively unknown talents await full recognition?

With whom would noted artists collaborate?

Where is the most innovative, exciting and valid work taking place across the country?

To answer these and other questions we invited critics, curators, collectors, gallery owners, and of course artists themselves, to place on record their choices and—in spite of the inevitable reluctance to indulge in a ratings game—everyone talked. We present here a sampling of their views—some predictable, others downright idiosyncratic.

So begins the cover story of the Fall 1985 issue of Canadian Art. To keep reading, view a PDF of the entire article.