These are hot-button questions—all of them—ones that Butler asks at a moment when he feels that “we have an exciting opportunity as artists, to reclaim control and reinvent our art world, despite the art market.” By taking images of putative authority and making them newly anonymous and open-ended, he initiates a visual guessing game that reactivates thinking about who is making, showing and constructing our image of contemporary art. It’s a messy job, but someone’s got to do it. (127 Ossington Ave, Toronto ON)
These are hot-button questions—all of them—ones that Butler asks at a moment when he feels that “we have an exciting opportunity as artists, to reclaim control and reinvent our art world, despite the art market.” By taking images of putative authority and making them newly anonymous and open-ended, he initiates a visual guessing game that reactivates thinking about who is making, showing and constructing our image of contemporary art. It’s a messy job, but someone’s got to do it. (127 Ossington Ave, Toronto ON)