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Features / April 14, 2011

Bravo! to Canadian Art: The Teachers. The Art. The Issues.

Watch Arts&Minds this Saturday at 6pm EDT and Sunday at 7pm EDT as the show goes behind the scenes on our latest Art School Special issue

Tune in at 6pm EDT this Saturday and 7pm EDT this Sunday as latest instalment of the Bravo! TV show Arts&Minds goes behind the scenes of Canadian Art‘s recent Art School Special issue.

Highlights include interviews with “Art School (Dismissed)” curator Heather Nicol on what it took to organize over 52 projects in Toronto’s long-abandoned Shaw Street School; a chat with University of Guelph MFA program coordinator and painter Monica Tap, whose mural Escape graced the cover of our Winter issue; a visit to the Elora, Ontario, studio of University of Guelph School of Fine Arts and Music director John Kissick, who discusses how he has mentored a new generation of influential Guelph grads; a special look at, our new website specifically designed for students interested in pursuing a career in the arts; and the television premiere of our latest video on sculpture, featuring artists Evan Penny, Brian Jungen, Allyson Mitchell, Brendan Lee Satish Tang, and Lois Andison.
Watch previous instalments of Bravo! to Canadian Art here. For more Bravo! news features go to