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Features / March 12, 2009

A Chat with Andrew Neel: Remembering Alice

Art critic Sarah Milroy speaks with director Andrew Neel
Art critic Sarah Milroy speaks with director Andrew Neel Art critic Sarah Milroy speaks with director Andrew Neel

In this video, taped during the 2009 Reel Artists Film Festival in Toronto, art critic Sarah Milroy speaks with director Andrew Neel about his documentary on his grandmother, Alice Neel. This film traces Alice’s story as a woman artist, a single mother and a portrait painter who defied convention. In this clip, Andrew discusses his childhood memories of his grandmother and filmmaking as a family intervention. “It’s very dangerous territory,” he says. “I was worried about it coming off as self-therapy. What was interesting…was to wade through layers of emotional material to get there.” (Running time 28 minutes 12 seconds)

A Chat with Andrew Neel: Remembering Alice from Canadian Art.