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Gerhard Richter: The Halifax Connection
Calgary’s fourth Reel Artists Film Festival offers free admission to all screenings

Calgary’s fourth Reel Artists Film Festival offers free admission to all screenings

Films on Shary Boyle, Elmgreen & Dragset, Michel de Broin and Jon Gnarr set to open the festival on March 22

William Kurelek: The End Time

William Kurelek: The End Time

In this feature from our Spring 2012 issue, Toronto critic Peter Goddard reflects on "The Messenger," a major touring retrospective of William Kurelek's works produced jointly by the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Art Gallery of Hamilton and the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.

IAIN BAXTER&: Mr. Concept

IAIN BAXTER&: Mr. Concept

In this feature article from our Spring 2012 magazine, Sarah Scott looks at the long and diverse career of Windsor artist IAIN BAXTER&, as well as some of the unexpected influences he has had on European practitioners.

Kevin Schmidt: High Hopes

Kevin Schmidt: High Hopes

This winter, Canadian artist Kevin Schmidt has been trying to launch a 4-by-5 camera into the stratosphere. His goal, with the help of some Edmonton amateur radio operators: to create a massive image of our planet. Nancy Tousley reports.

Reel Artists Film Festival 2012 Filmmakers Panel with Marc Glassman, Roz Owen, Matthew Akers and Larry Weinstein
Reel Artists Film Festival 2012: Opening Night Screening Q & A with Ann Webb, Jeff Dupre, Matthew Akers and Marina Abramović
Theo Sims: The Candahar Pub Returns to Calgary

Theo Sims: The Candahar Pub Returns to Calgary

Theo Sims’ detailed, working recreation of a Belfast pub has been a hit at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and other Canadian locales. Now, it returns to the place it first debuted: the Alberta College of Art and Design. Nancy Tousley reports.

Jessica Stockholder: Stand-Up Performance

Jessica Stockholder: Stand-Up Performance

For Jessica Stockholder, everything is figure and ground at the same time. Her influential, internationally known practice started small, with installations in Vancouver backyards. Find out how it grew in this current-issue feature by Daniel Baird.

What is an Artist?

What is an Artist?

This is the first of a series of web columns by Sarah Thornton, author of Seven Days in the Art World and chief writer on contemporary art for the Economist, sharing her concerns with our readers. Her first installment looks at a fundamental question: “What is an artist?"