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The Craft of Being an Artist

The Craft of Being an Artist

Have you ever noticed that, upon graduation from art school, many artists are hesitant to declare themselves as such? It would appear that a degree is not enough. In her second column for our site, author Sarah Thornton looks at credibility as the crux of being an artist.

Julian Opie: A New Calgary Stroll

Julian Opie: A New Calgary Stroll

The animated public artworks of London’s Julian Opie are known for mesmerizing passersby in cities worldwide. Last week, his first four-sided LED tower with rotating motion debuted in Calgary. Nancy Tousley reports.

Ève K. Tremblay: Words of Fire

Ève K. Tremblay: Words of Fire

In an age when print is on the decline, the art of Ève K. Tremblay has a special poignancy. As Daniel Baird writes in this feature from our current issue, Tremblay's projects cogently intertwine printed books with life experiences and vital memories.

Diane Borsato: Building on the Ephemeral

Diane Borsato: Building on the Ephemeral

Over the past 10 years, Toronto artist Diane Borsato has built an increasingly concrete art career out of remarkably ephemeral works. In this article, Leah Sandals tours Borsato’s solo show at the Art Gallery of York University, feeling for hints of what might come next.

Fred Herzog: Retro Refresh

Fred Herzog: Retro Refresh

To celebrate its 40th anniversary this year, Vancouver’s Equinox Gallery opened a spectacular 12,000-square-foot project space in an old tractor factory. Here, Nancy Tousley reports on the space and its debut show: a vast Fred Herzog retrospective.

L’Arsenal: Industrial Revolution

L’Arsenal: Industrial Revolution

Tucked behind the bustle of Montreal’s rue Notre-Dame, a century-old shipyard has been transformed into a stunning complex dedicated to contemporary art. In this article from our Winter 2012 issue, Christina Bagatavicius reports on L'Arsenal, an ideal location for a newly thriving cultural milieu.

Monique Mouton: Talking With Paint

Monique Mouton: Talking With Paint

What’s left to see in painting that we haven’t already seen? In this feature from our current issue, writer and curator Leah Turner considers how young LA-based, Vancouver-trained artist Monique Mouton is meeting that question—often in fresh new ways.

Ken Lum: Road to Somewhere

Ken Lum: Road to Somewhere

For more than three decades, Ken Lum has made overlooked subjects into endearing, noble and transformative works. Find out more about the artist, his East Van roots, and his struggles with the art system in this Spring 2012 feature by Danielle Egan.

Abbas Akhavan: Home Fronts

Abbas Akhavan: Home Fronts

Born in Tehran and based in Toronto, Abbas Akhavan has spent the past five years making drawings, videos and performances that hinge on travel in Vancouver, Dubai, Berlin and beyond. Find out more in Hadani Ditmars’ feature from our current issue.

Maurice Cullen: Ice Harvest