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Remove! Replace! Restore!

Remove! Replace! Restore!

I want to think about climate change outside of meteorology, and think of it instead as a form of industrial toxicity

Hard Lessons from the AGO’s Kusama Crowdfunding Problems

Hard Lessons from the AGO’s Kusama Crowdfunding Problems

The Art Gallery of Ontario set out to raise $1.3 million in 30 days for a new Infinity Room. It ended up with half of that. Here are a few takeaways

I Don’t Know Where to Find Sweetgrass

I Don’t Know Where to Find Sweetgrass

Last year, in a forest outside the Banff Centre, artist Meagan Musseau braided bright orange surveyor’s tape around a spruce tree—to express gratitude for the land and reclaim the ancestral knowledge that lay in her hands. Here, Erin Sutherland, in conversation with Meagan Musseau, explores that action further

Saw Your Instagram

Saw Your Instagram

Dream catchers, incense, crystals—an Indigenous story about your witchy souvenirs

Crisis Photography in Focus, and None Too Soon

Crisis Photography in Focus, and None Too Soon

As photos of California fires and Yemeni starvation dominate newsfeeds, the Ryerson Image Centre mounts a critical look at photographs of past crises

Marina Roy’s X Factors

Marina Roy’s X Factors

Bridging the Freudian and the functional, the lovely and the lewd, Marina Roy’s art makes an inventory of interior worlds and their exterior contexts

Between Two Ferns

Between Two Ferns

Why are there so many houseplants in contemporary art? It's the economy, stupid

From the Waterline

From the Waterline

An artist’s first-hand account of the ocean, and everything we put in it

On Heat

On Heat

Rising temperatures may provide a guide for thinking through how the colonial, the racial and the capitalist are deeply—and materially—implicated and intertwined

Focus California at Art Toronto

Focus California at Art Toronto

Mapping landscapes, tracing cultural shifts
 and exploring connections between high art and pop culture, between East and West—these are just some of the themes in Kim Nguyen and Glen Helfand's co-curated exhibition