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Features / September 18, 2008

Vikky Alexander: Mirror, Mirror

Vikky Alexander Reflected Norwegian Grotto 2005

In her new exhibition, “Lost Horizons,” Vancouver-based photographer Vikky Alexander shows once again why her work has been recognized not only across Canada but also in Europe, the US and Asia. An early photoconceptualist who also creates sculpture and installation works, Alexander is best known for her droll appropriations of landscape imagery.

Working with duplicated photo sources and (sometimes) mirrors, Alexander traps viewers inside images that offer a parallel world of doubled horizons, trees, lakes and skies. The images amount to an ongoing essay on the displacement capacity of the media, where a tantalizing world of enhanced colour and perfect composition is transformed into a state of claustrophobia far from the original promise of nature. Walking a tightrope of attraction and repulsion, the work presents alluring falsity as a norm of contemporary seeing. (105-999 8 St SW, Calgary AB)