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Step by Step: Artists Walk to Resist Colonization, Ableism and More

Step by Step: Artists Walk to Resist Colonization, Ableism and More

Walking in North America has associations to colonial exploits. But it can also be leveraged to resist colonialism, racism, ableism and more.

Walking Softly with Christi Belcourt

Walking Softly with Christi Belcourt

The Michif artist isn’t afraid to make big statements. Yet she also challenges us to walk softly, carefully considering where and how we step.

10 Indigenous Artists Forging Community Ties

10 Indigenous Artists Forging Community Ties

From our Summer 2017 issue, themed on “Kinship”: 10 emerging artists who build connections within and between diverse communities.

Photographing the Artist’s Studio—More Than 100 Times Over

Photographing the Artist’s Studio—More Than 100 Times Over

Hamilton photographer Joseph Hartman spent four years visiting artist’s studios across the country. Here are some behind-the-scenes views he captured.

Monsters of the Urban Unconscious

Monsters of the Urban Unconscious

Duane Linklater is bringing Toronto’s skyline to ground level—uniting replicas of gargoyles with the rich clay deposits that formed the city’s building blocks.

The Art of Vaccination

The Art of Vaccination

What can art bring to emotionally charged debates around vaccination? This is just one question raised by a Canadian-led exhibition on now in Geneva.

The Defiant Beauty of Elaine Cameron-Weir at the New Museum

The Defiant Beauty of Elaine Cameron-Weir at the New Museum

Red Deer–born artist Elaine Cameron-Weir has made her museum solo show debut in New York with assemblages that are at once seductive and unsettling.

Shedding Light

Shedding Light

New Brunswick’s Acre Architects is exposing the architectural profession’s gender imbalance.

5 More Canadian Connections at the Venice Biennale

5 More Canadian Connections at the Venice Biennale

A few weeks ago, we posted about nine projects with important Canadian connections at the Venice Biennale. Here are five more.

Art after a Brain Injury

Art after a Brain Injury

At age 29, Vancouver artist Sheri Bakes had a stroke and became unable to form mental images. But losing her visual imagination didn’t deter her painting.