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May we suggest

Joy Xiang

Joy Xiang is a writer, arts worker, and perpetual late bloomer based in Tkaronto / Toronto. She engages themes of migration, desire, material flows, and media nostalgia and futurity. She can be found on IG at @vahnsuhn.
Passing Time

Passing Time

The isolation of this slow spring has not been easy. Here, Canadian Art editors share thoughts on finding solace in language and surprising moments of coincidence 

Xuan Ye

Xuan Ye

Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto, November 14, 2019, to January 25, 2020

Art for Strange Times

While we’re living and working in separation, art offers connection, distraction and ways to find ourselves anew. Here, five Canadian Art editors share what we’ve been looking at over the past week

Life in Video

Life in Video

Barbara London, the prolific curator, writer and educator who founded MoMA’s video art collection in the 1970s, discusses her new survey book Video/Art: The First Fifty Years and her connections to Canada’s art scene

Bending the Light

Bending the Light

A national survey of 10 artists who are reforming material practice



In lo-fi and slower time: on watching Toronto’s only artist-run, public-access online TV station

Zadie Xa’s Self-Mythologies in Venice

Zadie Xa’s Self-Mythologies in Venice

Xa speaks about matrilineage, orcas and her new performance at the Biennale’s opening week

Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman

Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman

Gallery TPW, Toronto, March 9 to April 20, 2019

“100% Embodied”

“100% Embodied”

As Images Festival enters its 32nd year in Toronto, its new artistic director Steffanie Ling and programming coordinator Sarah-Tai Black discuss the changing nature of experimental film