On newsstands March 15, 2015, to June 14, 2015
Legacy: Emily Carr
Dulwich celebrates a pioneer
by Robin Laurence
Exquisite Collapse
Tricia Middleton pushes materials to the brink
by Chris Hampton
Canada’s Biennale
Montreal’s star-making machine
by Nancy Tousley
Four Portraits
Quebec’s art stars fromthe Biennale de Montréal
by Canadian Art
Depanneurs and Gondolas
BGL at the Venice Biennale
by Isa Tousignant
Surface and Catastrophe
Benoit Aquin’s gentle eye for disaster
by Olivier Asselin
Pop Cultist
Marc-Antoine K. Phaneuf’s dynamic localism
by Zoë Tousignant
Build and They Will Come
Caroline Andrieux and the making of an art scene
by Bryne McLaughlin
A national and international roundup of the season’s best exhibitions
Recent art books and catalogues
Stacey Tyrell: Skin Deep
by Simon Lewsen
Eli Bornowsky
by Aaron Peck
Bill Burns
by Alison Cooley
Anthony Burnham
by Iliana Antonova
by Anne Dymond
Gina Rorai
by E.C. Woodley
Shary Boyle and Emily Vey Duke
by Maeve Hanna
Stanley Kubrick
by Michael Vass
Wendy Coburn
by Daniel Joyce
Wendy’s Guide to Making Award-Winning Work
by Walter Scott