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Here Now or Nowhere

Here Now or Nowhere

Curated by the Toronto artist Micah Lexier, “Here Now or Nowhere” took over Grande Prairie, Alberta—a natural resource–based town, population 50,000—during the dark days of winter.

Nick Ostoff

Nick Ostoff

Nick Ostoff ’s exhibition at Diaz Contemporary suggests an index, a compendium of possibilities.

Lynne Marsh

Lynne Marsh

The interactions of both the camera and the viewer with architectural space are at the heart of Lynne Marsh’s video work.

Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer began her career anonymously pasting offset posters on building walls, garbage-can covers, postal boxes and hoardings around New York City.

Elizabeth Peyton

Elizabeth Peyton

When she emerged into the limelight in the mid-1990s, Elizabeth Peyton stood at the forefront, alongside artists such as John Currin, of a wave of artists returning to virtuosic figurative painting.

Jamelie Hassan: At the Far Edge of Words

Jamelie Hassan: At the Far Edge of Words

The elegant exhibition “At the Far Edge of Words” traces Jamelie Hassan’s output from 1977 to 2009. Through strong works old and new, Hassan’s survey becomes an education in political art expressed poetically.

Attila Richard Lukacs & Michael Morris: Polaroid Overload

Attila Richard Lukacs & Michael Morris: Polaroid Overload

Attila Richard Lukacs’ extensive archive of Polaroid figure studies offers both creative clues and nostalgic nudges. Yet the design of a related exhibition at the Art Gallery of Alberta, coordinated by Michael Morris, seems to favour overwhelming density over useful insight.

Kissick, Craven & Broadworth: Small is Beautiful

Kissick, Craven & Broadworth: Small is Beautiful

Three large-scale painters—John Kissick, David Craven and Jordan Broadworth—shrink their format for a new group exhibition. Along the way they show that good paintings can most certainly come in small packages.

Jenine Marsh: Where Greenhouse meets Darkroom

Jenine Marsh: Where Greenhouse meets Darkroom

With garden centres across the country kicking up into full gear, the time is ripe for a consideration of Jenine Marsh’s Topiarium, a recent installation dealing with plants, architecture, biomorphism and more.

GGs in Review: Raising the Ottawa Bar

GGs in Review: Raising the Ottawa Bar

Though often considered staid, Ottawa is the city where the prime symbolic battles of Canadian visual culture are waged. Accordingly, the just-opened Governor General’s Awards exhibition provides much to debate about.