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Trailblazing Art Dealer Av Isaacs Remembered

Trailblazing Art Dealer Av Isaacs Remembered

Artists and writers who knew and worked with influential art dealer Av Isaacs relay their memories and reflect on his legacy.

Bringing Forgotten Women Artists Back to Light

Bringing Forgotten Women Artists Back to Light

Art history has played up male “geniuses” while downplaying or omitting women's contributions. Here, Carol Sawyer lifts one such life back into the light.

6 Ways to Resist Art’s Dehumanization of Indigenous People

6 Ways to Resist Art’s Dehumanization of Indigenous People

Lakota artist Dana Claxton reflects on how her newest body of work seeks to rectify the objectification of her people and their cultural belongings.

Slideshow: David Bowie Remembered by Canadian Artists

Slideshow: David Bowie Remembered by Canadian Artists

A few images of contemporary Canadian art featuring the legendary British musician, in honour of his passing.

6 Questions About Art & Parenthood

6 Questions About Art & Parenthood

When will the artworld finally be okay with parents making work about one of their primary life-changing experiences?

Hot Jobs for Art-School Graduates

Hot Jobs for Art-School Graduates

Meet some recent art-school graduates who are moving on to great careers and making their own jobs, too.

Drew Simpson in Berlin: Tabletop Carnivalesque

Drew Simpson in Berlin: Tabletop Carnivalesque

R.M. Vaughan meets up with Drew Simpson in Berlin to discuss his work and the looming change that will irrevocably alter his painting.

George E. Russell: Joint Benefit

George E. Russell: Joint Benefit

George E. Russell was an undiscovered talent until he received a game-changing phone call from the Quebec Arthritis Society. Simon Lewsen reports.

The Ward, Toronto: A Blank Space

The Ward, Toronto: A Blank Space

Luis Jacob reflects on Toronto’s rich local history, and colonial tensions, through an archival photograph of the Ward neighbourhood.

Benjamin Hunter’s Top 3 of 2015: Winds of Change

Benjamin Hunter’s Top 3 of 2015: Winds of Change

Doris Salcedo, A Flor de Piel (detail), 2014. Installation view at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago. Photo: Patrizia Tocci.