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May we suggest

David Gleeson

Luc Tuymans

Luc Tuymans

The last big Tuymans show I saw was at London’s Tate Modern about five years ago.

Francis Alÿs

Francis Alÿs

Fifteen years ago, Francis Alÿs began shopping at flea markets, bazaars and jumble sales for discarded paintings with which he could build an art collection. Unsurprisingly for an artist whose practice consists of open-ended, exploratory projects, he had no idea what the outcome would be.

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon

For the past half century, Francis Bacon has been the malevolent colossus of British painting: a maverick who never attended art school, yet created pictures that continue to both enchant and horrify viewers with their singular vision of a bleak humanity framed by violence, sexuality and isolation.