Winter 2011

On newsstands December 15, 2011 to March 14, 2012
Ghost in the Machine
Jean-Pierre Gauthier and the animate object
by Katie Addleman
Web extra: Machine Magic
The Contractor
Reece Terris lifts construction know-how into high art
by Robin Laurence
Web extra: Constructing Meaning
Cities of Light
Michel de Broin takes his art to Paris and New Orleans
by Bryne McLaughlin
Web extra: Light and Space
Stand-up Performance
Jessica Stockholder plays with colour and form
by Daniel Baird
Web extra: From the CAG to Connecticut
The Real Deal
Tim Whiten and the elusive magic of making
by Ann Ireland
Beyond the Wall
Christian Eckart moves painting into sculpture
by Mark Cheetham
Watch Your Step
Jacques Bilodeau's sculpture of engagement
by Gary Michael Dault
What's happening from coast to coast