Winter 2008
On newsstands December 15, 2008 to March 14, 2009
The Death and Life of Painting
Notes from the photoconceptual backlash
Deborah Campbell
Eastside Westside
Concordia, UQAM and the Monteal art scene
by Christina Bagatavicius
Reverse Pedagogy
An art school for artists at the Banff Centre
by Paul Butler
Elephants in the Room
The unspoken issues that loom large in art education
by John Kissick
The Once and Future Art School
NSCAD then and now
by Gary Michael Dault
NSCAD Album: Glory Days and Hoary Days
Shape Shifter
Sara Diamond points the Ontario College of Art and Design in a new direction
by Noah Richler
Show Time
"The world's most glamorous vocational schools": curatorial-studies programs
by Eldon Garnet