Winter 2005

On newsstands December 15, 2005 to March 14, 2006
Volume 22, Number 4
On Calgary Time
Economic change is shaking things up for culture in Alberta and Calgary is ready
by Richard Rhodes
Photography at the Tipping Point
Can photo-based art come back from the digital brink?
by Nancy Tousley
Q&A: Lance Carlson
The president of the Alberta College of Art and Design sounds off on the prospects and pitfalls facing art education
Tree Story
Nancy Tousley uncovers the secret history of the arboreal image in art, from Dürer to Jeff Wall
Keepers of the Flame
Harry Kiyooka, Katie Ohe and a place for modern art
by Chris Willard
Love in a Time of Corporate Empire
Curating the Alberta Biennale of Contemporary Art 2005
Anthony Kiendl