Summer 2009

On newsstands June 15 to September 14, 2009
Boss Bear
The sculptor John McEwen redefines public sculpture for Canadian Shield cottage country
by Michael Mitchell
The Outlaw
Liz Magor has been testing the boundaries of contemporary sculpture for more than three decades
by Deborah Campbell
So Much to See
The Canada-born, U.K.-based filmmaker Mark Lewis takes his exquisitely challenging film work to the Venice Biennale
by Nancy Tousley
Cold Morning
A sneak peek of what you'll see at the Canada Pavilion in Venice via stills from a brand-new film by Mark Lewis
Days of the Dead
Jack Burman's photographs honour the living by telling the truth about death
by John Bentley Mays
Sponsored by The Fraser Elliot Foundation in memory of Betty Ann Elliot China Time A Canadian painter catches the boom in contemporary Chinese art by Matthew CarverNotebook
Reparations by Richard RhodesPreview
A Canada-wide guide to the season's best exhibitionsIn print
Books on the visual ArtsIn Review
Lynne Marsh by David Jagr Nick Ostoff by François Xavier Saint-Pierre Here Now or Nowhere by Amy Fung It Happened in Your Neighbourhood by Christina Bagatavicius Cliff Eyland by John Armstrong Paul Butler by Sky Glabush Jim Breukelman by Robin Laurence Christian Knudsen by James D. Campbell Talia Shipman by Bill Clarke Trade Secrets by Leah Sandals Daniel Olson by Peter Dubé James Carl by Pamela MeredithCanadian Art International
Art of Two Germanys/Cold War Cultures
by John Kissick
Elizabeth Peyton
by Joseph R. Wolin
Jenny Holzer
by Edward Rubin