Spring 1993

On newsstands March 15 to June 14, 1993
Volume 10, Number 1
Karsh Realities
With a new book out and a touring show organized by New York's International Centre of Photography, one has to ask: just what is it that makes these images stick?
by Murray Pomerance
Whose Nation?
Two recent exhibitions at the National Gallery of Canada and the Canadian Museum of Civilization raised disturbing questions about the positioning of First Nations art in the white mainstream
by Scott Watson
Radiant Days
In Shirley Wiitasalo's new paintings, bleak urban terrain is redeemed by a powerful imagination
by Gillian MacKay
Robert Racine's Magnum Opus
In his peregrinations through history, music and art, this Montreal master of many media pursues a kind of fine madness
by Peggy Gale