Roughing It in Toronto
In his new book on Toronto art, Luis Jacob examines how colonialism and its erasures—along with hidden ravines and tangled gardens—have had a defining influence on the city’s creative ecology
The Shoreline Dilemma
Located on a Great Lake shoreline many kilometres long, the Toronto Biennial asks: How do we listen and learn from the lake? It’s a complicated question with no simple answer
Toronto Art’s Queer, Punk Past
Move over, Pictures Generation: 1980s appropriation art was invented in Toronto. Find out why in Philip Monk's book Is Toronto Burning?
Fun with Mythmaking
What General Idea taught us about Canadian history.
Warhola: A Horror Film
The prosthesis was a telltale sign. We all had one; forty extras in the first room at least. Without asking, we were each given one for free. Even before we reached the admission desk, it was a necessary interface.