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Agenda / September 14–September 30, 2018
Editors' Pick

Utopia as Method | Utopie comme méthodologie

CRUM, Adriana Disman, Diane Guyot, Michelle Lacombe, JJ Levine, Rudy Loewe, McKensie Mack, jake moore, Taklif : تکلیف, Laura Taler
Regart, centre d'artistes en art actuel

5956 Saint-Laurent Street

Levis, Quebec


September 14–September 30, 2018


Amber Berson

“‘Utopia as Method’ is both an exhibition and also a collective envisioning of our futures. The title of this exhibition is borrowed from a book of the same name by utopian scholar Ruth Levitas. In her analysis, utopian methodology is a three-part process.” —Amber Berson

Editors' Comment

A range of artists explore utopia, and its making, in this thoughtful exhibition.