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May we suggest

Agenda / April 01–May 02, 2021
Editors' Pick

this house, made and mended by unbelonging hands

Dayna Danger, Akash Inbakumar, Kaythi, Vincy Lim, Yahn Nemirovsky, Cleopatria Peterson
Yahn Nemirovsky, You find me in a shoebox. 4" x 6 3/8". Fine Shosenshi paper yarn, thick paper yarn, hand-coloured twisted paper yarn, cotton thread, cotton embroidery floss, wool yarn, aida cloths, penelope cloth, watercolour pastel, heavy cotton paper, found blend fabric, fabric, heavy woven cotton. Yahn Nemirovsky, You find me in a shoebox. Fine Shosenshi paper yarn, thick paper yarn, hand-coloured twisted paper yarn, cotton thread, cotton embroidery floss, wool yarn, aida cloths, penelope cloth, watercolour pastel, heavy cotton paper, found blend fabric, fabric, heavy woven cotton, 4 x 6 3/8 inches.
Riverdale Hub Gallery

1326 Gerrard Street East

Toronto, Ontario


April 01–May 02, 2021


Dallas Fellini and Karina Iskandarsjah

“this house, made and mended by unbelonging hands” is an exhibition of contemporary craft and zine works that speak to the legacy of queer space-making, kinship and continual resistance across time.