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Summer 1992
Summer 1992

On newsstands June 15 to Septmeber 14, 1992

Volume 9, Number 2


Déjà Vu A current exhibition of 19th-century Quebec painting raises provocative questions about the distinct society by François-Marc Gagnon Objects in Advance of the Concept Is there a rule book on sexual imagery? Martha Townsend doesn't think so by Renee Baert Considering Cronenberg A great filmmaker exposes the dark side of the Canadian psyche by Murray Pomerance Vera Frenkel Canada's pre-eminent video artist, storyteller and mischief maker hits her stride by Jay Scott

Fast Forward

A cross-Canada guide to exhibitions and events in the visual arts


Art & Money The Art Bank Turns Twenty: Canada's largest collector of contemporary art settles into the nineties by Stephen Godfrey Public Art The Final Frontier: A visiting artists' project in a remote B.C. mining town redefines the notion of site-specific art by Richard Rhodes


People's Art by Robert Fulford Ronald Bladen by Robin Laurence Colette Whiten by Gillian MacKay Renée Van Halm by Ihor Holubizky Joseph Dewey Soper by Nancy Tousley Charles Gagnon by Jessica Bradley Ronald Bloore by Ron Shuebrook Pam Hall by Cliff Eyland Moira Dryer by Peter Schjeldahl Carroll Moppett by Nancy Tousley Books Maus by George Bogardi   Cover: Antoine Plemondon, Soeur Sainte-Anne, 1841, oil on canvas, Photo: Patrick Altman, Collection: Musée de l'Hôpital-Général de Quebec, Courtesy: Musée du Québec
Summer 1992