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Agenda / May 11–September 02, 2019


Works are drawn from Griffin Art Projects Residency artists and private collections in Vancouver; exhibition artists include Sonny Assu, Stephan Balkenhol, Christian Boltanski, Sophie Calle, Leon Coupey, Stan Douglas, Duane Linklater, Yevgeniy Fiks, Sima Khorammi, Shawn Hunt, Emily Jacir, Mahdyar Jamshidi, Zoe Kreye, Ann Newdigate, Ricarda Roggan, Norman Tait, Stephen Waddell, Ai Wei Wei, Janet Werner, Lam Wong and Sislej Xhafa
Léon Coupey, Untitled Postcard, 1905. Ink on paper. Collection Marguerite Coupey Barbir, Montreal.
Griffin Art Projects

1174 Welch Street

North Vancouver, British Columbia


May 11–September 02, 2019


Lisa Baldissera

“Person/ne” reveals the agency of taking action through art making. Alternatively meditative, declarative, political and insistent, the artists’ works reveal acts of care, citizenship and personhood, or cognizance of its lack, through a variety of unexpected means.